April 10, 2007

Going Crazy!!!

I woke up this morning with a headache, but I was determined to make this a praiseworthy day. It hasn't gone so well. Grace took an hour on math alone while the boys screamed at each other off and on for one thing or another.

I am trying to make my house livable because we have friends coming over on Friday and I am determined for it not to look like I live in a cluttered pigpen! I know they love us anyway, but really who wants to have friends over and them have no where to sit?

I have so much admiration for those of you who run like crazy women and still have a clean home. I have something going on every day this week and here I sit because I simply don't know where to start. The FlyLady would say a good place to start would be putting some clothes on (yes, I am still in my PJs at noon)!

Now, I am going to pray that my calm precious Jesus will give me perspective on my list of to-do's so I won't go crazy!

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