April 7, 2007

Mommy, how do we really know?

The other day as we were sitting at the dinner table without Daddy, b/c he was working late Grace looks at me with a serious look. I have learned over the past 6 years that these looks are usually followed up with very interesting questions that I don't always have a good answer for. Anyway she says, "Mommy how do we really know that there is a God? And even if there is how do we know that Jesus was his son and he did all the things that the bible says? You know people could have made it all up." Now, I am usually pretty quick on my words but she can really stump me. I don't even really remember what exactly I said. I know I told her something to the effect that it would be really hard to make all of that up and it all make
sense and that many people saw the miracles that Jesus did and even saw him after he rose from from the dead. I did remember to put in there that one of the disciples questioned if it was really Jesus when he saw the Risen Lord and Jesus showed him the holes in his hands and feet. She seemed to be content with the half answers that I gave her, but I sure wasn't.

So, here I am the night before Easter and I am trying to figure out a better answer as to how we know it is all true. There are a few "reasons" I have come up with:
  • First, I was reminded by Rebecca (my sister-like cousin) that Jesus fulfilled so many prophesies of the old testament. I think her words were something to the effect that it was more likely to get hit with lightening twice than for one man to fulfill even one of those prophesies and not be the Christ. So I started looking for an example of this and found more than I could list but this one all by itself is so impactful to me right now.

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led
like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so
he did not open his mouth....For he bore the sin of many and made intercession
for the transgressors.
Isaiah 53:7 & 12

  • The second thing that I though of is that it is true in history that this man, Jesus, was born and died. Many of his teachings are recorded not just in the bible but they are recorded as history. So we have established that he lived, but even though many people want to say that he was just a prophet or a teacher of God. Well, the problem with that is that God would not be too happy with someone walking around claiming to be Christ if he were not. In John 4:25-26 Jesus claims to be just that, the Christ.

The woman said, "I know that Messiah" (called Christ) "is coming. When he
comes, he will explain everything to us." Then Jesus declared, "I who speak to you am he."

What incredible boldness! Now we are faced with the decision: Is this man, Jesus, the Messiah or his he blaspheming God? This quote is just one of many where Jesus calls himself The Messiah, The I Am, The Son of God, The Son of Man, and claims to be sent by the One and True Holy God. I don't know about you, but for me either Jesus is who he says that he is or God the entire bible is, in my pastor's words, "The biggest hoax the world has ever known.

  • The last reason that I came up with in my thougths about this was for me the most important. I am not lessening the value of the first two, because each of them is foundational to my beliefs in God and in Jesus being God in the Flesh. But, for me the number one reason I have that I really know is that I KNOW HIM PERSONALLY! Yes, I said it, the God of the Universe, I know him! And his son, Jesus, I know him too! I talk with them every day, I laugh with them, I cry with them, I get excited with them, and even angry when I don't understand what in the world they are doing. I have felt their touches and heard that sweet voice in my spirit. I have laid in their arms and have felt Jesus' nail pierced hands wipe away my tears. I have seen my sweet Jesus living inside of people around me. I have felt the sweet release of knowing that the God that created the son loves me. I have experienced the peace that far surpasses any explanation that I have. I know my Jesus, my Lord, my friend, my Father, my One True Love!

So, when I tell Grace, Gavin, and Blake over the next few years the reasons that we can really know I am sure that I will share the first two reasons, but what I want for them to KNOW is the third. I want first for them to see me KNOWING Jesus. Then I pray with all of my soul that one day when they are faced with the question of how do you know it's really true they can say wholeheartedly that they KNOW the Holy and Living God!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me try this again. Amen! Amen ! Amen! I am so thankful to God when I see how far you have come and I am so blessed that we get to make this journey to peace together. I am so richly bless to KNOW Him personally and walk daily with him. I pray that so for my children as well.
Love You